Functions and Services

  • May carry out, on its own account and of third parties, training, research or development programs, of any nature, considered necessary or convenient for the realization of the social object, towards associates and third parties.
    • Establish cooperative training and education programs, social and ideological training, technical training and training in general for associates, their family group, cooperative employees, and the community in general.
    • Offer cooperative extension programs, technical training, and home condition management for the associate's family.
    • Promote and support, permanently, the continued education of its associates, their family group, and cooperative workers, at the technical and professional level.
    • Establish programs for healthy recreation and leisure for associates and their family group; through the purchase, leasing, construction, or association of vacation sites or the elaboration of travel or excursion plans and others regulated by the Board of Directors.
    • Schedule and carry out sports activities among associates and their family group, in public places suitable for these cases, programmed by sports committees appointed and regulated by the Board of Directors.
    • Schedule and develop tourist, ecotourism, and vacation plans for associates, their family group, and the community in general.
    • Contract insurance to protect and safeguard the associate and their family, contributions, cooperative assets, and those received on lease or loan in addition to other assets owned by the associates.
    • Contract health services for associates and their family group through agreements or contracts with private, public, or cooperative sector entities.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects on agroecology and others, for advice, consulting, research, and planning to promote the productive and regenerative capacity of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable, animal and plant species for the exploitation of projects for labor retraining that allows contributing to their level of development in family agriculture of small and medium livestock producers, self-generating energy, and the community in general.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, and planning of circular economy, recycling, and/or reuse of elements and components of any type.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, sizing, planning, installation, assembly, generation, maintenance, and dismantling of electric power systems and other types of energy with non-conventional renewable sources, defined by Colombian regulations, such as photovoltaic solar, wind, small hydroelectric plants, biomass, geothermal, tidal, hydrogen, and biodigester systems, among others.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, sizing, planning, installation, and maintenance of civil works and household public services, and in the same way for the construction of systems for water extraction in underground water wells.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, sizing, planning, installation, and maintenance in residential, commercial, and industrial refrigeration services.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, sizing, planning, installation, and maintenance in metalworking, welding, and construction and/or assembly of metal structures services.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, sizing, and planning for the Provision of industrial mechanical maintenance services, heavy machinery maintenance, maritime mechanical maintenance, heavy machinery maintenance, railway maintenance, ferrous equipment maintenance, agricultural tool maintenance, industrial electrical maintenance, computer equipment maintenance.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, and planning for the Provision of occupational safety and health services, health, and biosafety.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, and planning for the provision of physical security services and handling of substances considered dangerous.
  • Formulation, evaluation, and execution of projects for advice, consulting, research, and planning for the closure, dismantling, and abandonment in mining-energy projects, labor retraining, environmental repair, and social repair, throughout the national territory, with a focus on just energy transition.
    • Through this section, the service and operation of public land motor transport of cargo, passengers, rail, river, maritime, and multimodal, in vehicles and/or vessels owned by the Cooperative, vehicles taken on lease from third parties who are natural or legal persons not associated or through the conclusion of contracts for association with third parties will be provided.
    • Contract, through intermediation with third parties, the provision of services for its associates, affiliates, for repair and maintenance of vehicles owned by it and vehicles owned and on loan by the cooperative.
    • Conversion of vehicles with internal combustion engines to electric. Conversion of your Traditional, New or Used Vehicle, transforming it from traditional mechanisms and processes to Electric motors that preserve the Autonomy, Efficiency, and performance of your Vehicle, but without sacrificing the Environment.
    • May carry out importation and commercialization of electrical, mechanical, and other products and components necessary for the fulfillment of the social object of COOMUSTIER.
    • May market products produced by the Cooperative with its own brand or through commission.
    • May offer graphic design service, corporate image design, creation of graphic content for social networks, printing of graphic material for advertising campaigns, web design.
    • Acquire imported or domestically produced vehicles for the cooperative, with a view to increasing the automotive fleet or to replace the one it owns, complying with the requirements of the law.
    • Buy, sell, lease, administer, own, dispose of, and by any other means, operate, use, enjoy, and enjoy movable or immovable property that the cooperative directly or indirectly requires, in fulfilling its social objectives.
    • Open and close bank and investment accounts, issue, endorse, subscribe, accept, and negotiate in general, as necessary or appropriate for the development of the cooperative's social object.
    • Make investments in entities supervised by the Superintendence of Solidarity Economy, by the Financial Superintendence or by other state entities, different from financial cooperatives, savings and credit cooperatives, and multi-purpose or comprehensive cooperatives with a savings and credit section.
    • Make investments in financial services or technical or administrative services entities, subject to the rules established in the Organic Statute of the Financial System.
    • In companies, other than cooperative entities, provided that the association is convenient for the fulfillment of its social object, in accordance with Article 11 of Law 79 of 1988 and up to ten percent (10%) of its capital and equity reserves.